

Below is a list of upcoming opportunities for parents at Ecole Fox Run School to get swept up in the FURY spirit!  If you are interested in volunteering in any of the below activities or events please contact the office (403-887-0491) and we will supply you with any information that you may need.

Hot Lunch Volunteers - Parent volunteers are needed to help with Hot Lunch days.

Reniassance Month-End Parties - We are always looking for parents who can volunteer some time to join the excitement of Month-End Parties and help to organize and supervise activities.  If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Daniels  by calling the office or by email (

Any questions, please contact DeeAnn Daniels


Technology is an integrated aspect throughout your subjects. It is there to assist you in typing reports, doing Internet research, and building Web Outlines and presentations. These skills will help you late in life. Click the link below to view our school's policies on the use of technology. 
Fox Run Technology - Making Good Connections