Staff Directory

Our Trustee

Photo of Jackie Swainson

Jackie Swainson

Phone: 403-588-2445


Photo of Don Rattray

Don Rattray


Phone: 403-887-0491


Photo of Tracey Lynn

Tracey Lynn


Phone: 403-887-0491

Administration Support

Photo of Brenda Trudel

Brenda Trudel

Administration Support

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Martine Katzmarzyk

Martine Katzmarzyk

Administration support - Finance

Phone: 403-887-0491


Photo of DeeAnn Daniels

DeeAnn Daniels


Phone: 403-887-0491

Family Wellness Worker

Photo of Connie Holbein

Connie Holbein

Family School Wellness

Phone: 403-887-0491


Photo of Cody Baker

Cody Baker

Grade 8

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Rob Bichel

Rob Bichel

Grade 8

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Renee Eastwood

Renee Eastwood

Grade 8

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Racquel Fielder

Racquel Fielder

Grade 7 French Immersion

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Justis Johanson

Justis Johanson

Grade 8 French Immersion

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Shari Klumpenhower

Shari Klumpenhower

Grade 7

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Madison Lee

Madison Lee

Grade 8

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Sonia Martinek

Sonia Martinek

Grade 8

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Candice McFarlane

Candice McFarlane

Grade 7

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Sean McWade

Sean McWade

Grade 7

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Alecia Olmstead

Alecia Olmstead

Grade 8

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Kassia Rawlinson

Kassia Rawlinson

Grade 7

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Cody Reynolds

Cody Reynolds

Grade 8

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Denver Wik

Denver Wik

Grade 8, Physical Education

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Kristie Baldwin

Kristie Baldwin

Grade 7

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Carla Gelowitz

Carla Gelowitz


Phone: 403-887-0491

Educational Assistants

Photo of Holly Bylsma

Holly Bylsma

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Madison Johnson

Madison Johnson

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Jennifer Orr

Jennifer Orr

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Elorah Radford

Elorah Radford

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Tandace Spencer

Tandace Spencer

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Tracy Villeneuve

Tracy Villeneuve

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Kelly White

Kelly White

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Kimberley Kingston

Kimberley Kingston

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Gidgett Oliver

Gidgett Oliver

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-0491

Special Education

Photo of Tracey Lynn

Tracey Lynn

Vice-Principal, Special Education Specialist

Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Don Rattray

Don Rattray

Principal, Special Education Specialist

Phone: 403-887-0491


Photo of Josh Reavie

Josh Reavie


Phone: 403-887-0491

Photo of Kelsey Huneault

Kelsey Huneault


Phone: 403-887-0491

YES team

Photo of Kristy Friesen

Kristy Friesen

YES team member

Contact Staff Member