Cody Reynolds

Grade 8
Phone: 403-887-0491
Hello and thank you for clicking on my name! I am Mr. Reynolds and I am a Grade 8 teacher here at Fox Run. This is my tenth year at the school and also my ninth year as a grade 8 teacher. I am very excited and proud to be part of this team!
This year I will be teaching PE and also teaching Grade 8 Science and Math.
Coaching has always been a passion of mine and I have been instructing various hockey camps for over 20 years. I am also the Associate Coach for Red Deer Polytechnic Kings Men's Hockey Team. Previous to this I spent a season as Head Coach for the U18AAA Red Deer Optimist Chiefs. Sports are a passion of mine along with being outside hiking, biking, camping and just enjoying the beauty that our area has to offer. My wife was a teacher at CP BIakely School in Sylvan as well. We have three children who are 6, 4 and 1. I was born and raised in Sylvan Lake, only having moved away briefly to pursue a hockey career. Whether it is coaching or teaching I enjoy being a part of helping students and people grow and develop. I am looking forward to the year!!