Jr. Volleyball

Junior Volleyball

September 19, 2025

Congratulations on joining the Fox Run Junior volleyball program! Becoming involved with an organized school team is a memorable experience that involves commitment, hard work, and responsibility. It’s going to be a great volleyball season! :)

Fox Run Expectations:
- Practices are generally scheduled for Mondays or Wednesdays at 12:30-1:00pm and on Fridays from 3:10-4:15pm. Students need to arrange their own transportation home for afterschool practices. The schedule for practices will be posted below later next week.
- Games will be on Tuesdays. Games will start around 3:45pm. For home games, the players will do quick practice before the game starts. Games usually finish around 4:45pm. The schedule for games will be posted below later next week.
- Transportation for away games will be on the Fox Run school bus to the game. Afterwards students can ride home with their parents if they are there or they will ride back on the bus to our school arriving around 5:30pm. Students need to arrange their own transportation home from our school games.
- Effort and Attitude are crucial parts of being a successful team. All athletes are expected to put forth their best effort in all practices and games and display strong, positive leadership skills. Notify your coaches if you can’t make a practice or game. Your responsibility is to attend every scheduled practice and game. If you need to be excused from attending, please inform one of your coaches well before the event begins.
- Attendance at school is important. An athlete may not participate in a practice or a game held on the evening of a school day if he/she did not attend school that day.
- Good behavior on and off of the court is a must. The conduct of the athletes must be the same as what is expected during normal school hours. Athletes are representatives of École Fox Run School and must conduct themselves in a manner which will promote a positive reputation for our school. Students receiving a school suspension may not participate for the duration of the suspension. Coaches, homeroom teachers, and administration will review the team membership status of any athlete who receives a school suspension.
- Good grades are important for student athletes. All athletes must maintain their grades in school. Your coaches will be in touch with your classroom teachers to ensure that all athletes are working to the very best of their ability in all subject areas.
- Athletic attire is important to being prepared to play. Athletes need to make sure they have a pair of appropriate running shoes that will be used indoors only, dark shorts (appropriate for school) and a Fox Run Athletics t-shirt. If a student has participated in junior sports before, they will not need to purchase a t-shirt.

The cost to play is $35.00. If you do need to purchase a T-shirt the cost is $15.00. The $35 covers the cost of bussing, student referees for home games, a trip to watch the Kings & Queens play volleyball at Red Deer Polytechnic (RDP), and a wind-up party. Please remind your parents to fill out the online permission form that will be emailed to them early next week. Payment of team fees are not needed until the end of September. If you have any questions please let us know.

We look forward to coaching such a great group of talented athletes!

Mr. Rattray, Mrs. Lynn, & Ms. Orr
Fox Run Jr. Volleyball Coaches


Questions?  Please contact:
Mr. Rattray (drattray@cesd73.ca) or
Mrs. Lynn (tlynn@cesd73.ca)


Schedule & Teams

